Nolan loves to mind-fuck his multi-million person audience in crisp cinematic style, constantly introducing far-reaching ideas into the subconscious of the general public (in true Inception style). These uncommonly trippy notions might be mind-blowingly novel to the minds of the masses, but experientially familiar to practicing psychedelicos. Notions such as not knowing whether you're dreaming or not (i.e My 2008 Columbus Day Trip), warping up amnesic time, deconstructing capitalist culture (The Dark Knight Rises), or introducing concepts of interstellar space travel by entering wormholes are all experiences one can literally undergo after drinking a stiff jungle drink of Shipibo-brewed Ayahuasca. Below is a chilling quote and teaser trailer from his upcoming film, "Interstellar," which is kind of like a ZOOMDOUT endorsement if you ask me. You know, being that we've been focused on making the unknown known for some time now. ZOOMDOUT = ZOOMING OUT OUR MINDS DISCOVERING OUR UNCHARTED TERRITORY.
We've always defined ourselves by the ability to overcome the impossible. And we count these moments. These moments when we dare to aim higher, to break barriers, to reach for the stars, to make the unknown known. We count these moments as our proudest achievements. But we lost all that. Or perhaps we've just forgotten that we are still pioneers. And we've barely begun. And that our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, because our destiny lies above us. (Nolan, Interstellar)