Welcome to the Universal Breathing Room, where you can log in daily and breathe with people from all around the world, synchronously.
I invite you to check in that your posture is excellent, your spine is straight, that all your muscles are relaxed, your shoulders are down,
and with your mouth closed, tongue touching the roof of your mouth, prepare to exhale the air from your lungs...
The breathing pace is set to five breathing cycles per minute. Six seconds worth of inhale, six seconds worth of exhale... A much slower, conscious breathing pace than your average rush-hour traffic, over-crowded subway-riding, sporadic breathing rhythm. Breathing at this healing pace for a sustained period of time slowly begins to open doors into the deeper, transcendental states of meditation. When I've entered into these Holotropic states, whether plant-induced or not, I am reminded of the sacred relationship we have with our breathing. In those Holotropic states of consciousness, I've come to realize that the breath is like a thin thread connecting us in the material world to the realm of the divine. It's, perhaps, the most apparent connection we have with the divine.
Back to the Breathing Room. There's also a Google map pin-pointing all of the active UBR Breathers from all over the globe. There's usually in average of about twenty Breathers spread across the globe all breathing synchronously. The people at Do As One have started a new global holiday on 11/11 celebrating oneness. Their goal might sound just a little ambitious, but imagine if it were possible. They're trying to get not one thousand, one hundred thousand, or one million people to enter the breathing room and all breathe together synchronously. They're trying to get not 10 million, or 100 million... But one BILLION people to all breathe together for eleven minutes. I'm sure their servers would crash if they manage to get 10,000 people on board to go on that crazy trip. But who cares? They've planted a global seed of breathing consciousness. And that's all that matters.
Check out the three simple steps of how to celebrate one day. Breathing starts at 5 PM east coast (NYC) time.
Happy 11/11.
And happy breathing.