It's apparent that Brand takes every opportunity to break through the media's medium in order to comedically stir the listener into a state of "aha!" (probably followed by a state of "haha"). He frequently and facetiously exposes the long-outdated operating system our culture is currently running on. Drawing up his inspiration from revolutionary figures that fluctuate between Che Guevara, Gandhi, Jesus Christ and Malcolm X, he is brilliantly juxtaposing our crumpling situation with a solution that involves us graduating out of the "dead human ape" mentality.
His solution takes shape in his hyper-enthusiastic espousing of the importance of consciousness evolution; whether it be through life-style choices such as yoga, vegetarianism and mediation, or a full on immersion into Amazonian Shamanism. His relentless dedication of promoting the evolution of consciousness, combined with his humorous unveilings of the exaggerated faults and errors glaring in the face of society, in my opinion, has earned Russell Brand the recognition of being the most ZOOMDOUT Head of the Year this year (2013).
That being said, below are a few of Russell Brand's spiritually-generated gems excerpted from the excellently-edited montage video above; along with the virally laugh-out-loud "Morning Joe" hi-jacking video, BBC Newnight interview, and his truth-spewing interview on Infowars with Alex Jones. Congratulations and much respect to Russell Brand for zooming out and coming back to share what he has learned. In the words of Chris Kilham, "Viva la evolution!"
“I suppose the ultimate truth is oneness. That this is a temporary illusion. That we temporarily occupy these flesh puppets. We believe so much in our identities. We believe in our individualism. And I talk in a very sort of egotistical manner, look at my hair, look at these bracelets, look at these ridiculous boots. I’m a person who believes in the nature of my own individualism and my own identity. But on a deeper level I recognize that all these things are transient. The most important, the most defining are the things we all share: love, unity, togetherness. As long as we have cultural narratives to shoo these ideas, to suppress these ideas In favor of negative human traits: greed, selfishness, lust. As long as these ideas are promoted we’ll exist in opposition to one another and we’ll be exploitable by corporations that prey upon these negative aspects of humanity.”
"The dead human ape had fulfilled its potential. The dead human ape has not evolved for the last 10,000 years. These are the achievements of the dead human ape. Now we must transform, become enlightened so we can access the next realm of consciousness necessary for our evolution."
"You cannot define yourself in reference to other external coordinates, you must define yourself internally with your relationship with a higher entity. Think of yourself as a manifestation of some higher thing, some higher frequency. This is the visible realization. And you know that because you can’t see atoms, can you? And you certainly can’t see the forces that are holding the atoms together. There in the micro/quantum world lie the answers to everything. We can’t understand it with our logical-rational minds, but we feel it intuitively. Get yourself in alignment with that stuff and you beam like the sun."
“Consciousness is an amorphous and expanding entity. I think that we allow our consciousness to be prohibited by our senses, prescribed by our senses. Living in the realm of these five apertures into our reality. But reality is limitless, space is infinite, time eternal. Through yoga one can temporarily break the bonds that chain us to the mundane, the mundial, that which is of the earth, and we can temporarily, at least, receive a taste of the infinite.”