The Peruvian people seemed to be deeply connected with Mother Earth in a way that appears to be unconsciously absent from other, more mechanical cultures around the world. In Peru, for example, a palpable existence of other-worldly reverence for the Land of the Mother is evident. A deep respect and conscious appreciation for Pachamama is blatantly displayed by the humble offerings people make to The Mother. You'll find tall stacks of stone and coca leaves diligently positioned all throughout the mountainous Andean region. These offerings are signs of respectful recognition of this higher intelligence and life-guiding order.
In other ZOOMDOUT related updates we're working on bringing you some serious psychedelic product from Mexico and Guatemala this summer. If you're interested in hints give us a shout in the comments below. In addition, we're expanding the ZOOMDOUT Trip Report digital bibliotèque and creating a much anticipated Visionary Poetry tab to our website. All for the sake of language and consciousness evolution.