Certain psychedelics (e.g. Ayahuasca, Mushrooms and Salvia) have a tendency to sporadically jolt the human body into various yogic postures. On many psychedelic occasions I've found myself snapping into many familiar yoga poses almost against my will, so to speak (handstand, staff, lotus, fish, twists, child, cobra). My last two Salvia surfs have hit me heavy with the "importance of yoga" message; as if I didn't already know. You kind of get slapped around like a helpless little kid when you're in the fractal Eyes of the Shepherdess. I guess it's because I'm sometimes selfish with these experiences instead of sharing them, like I should frequently be doing, and that's the reason for this out-of-the-blue Salvia inspired poem below.
Below are some words that capture an instance that happened to me while in a Salvia trance a little over a year ago. I remember sitting at my desk with transcendental posture trying to get hyperspatial Salvia words down into my Microsoft Word. Those raw words have been sitting in my computer untouched for over a year, until I finally forced myself to reopen it and edit it into a moderately comprehensive poem earlier today.
Certain psychedelics (e.g. Ayahuasca, Mushrooms and Salvia) have a tendency to sporadically jolt the human body into various yogic postures. On many psychedelic occasions I've found myself snapping into many familiar yoga poses almost against my will, so to speak (handstand, staff, lotus, fish, twists, child, cobra). My last two Salvia surfs have hit me heavy with the "importance of yoga" message; as if I didn't already know. You kind of get slapped around like a helpless little kid when you're in the fractal Eyes of the Shepherdess. I guess it's because I'm sometimes selfish with these experiences instead of sharing them, like I should frequently be doing, and that's the reason for this out-of-the-blue Salvia inspired poem below.