Certain psychedelics (e.g. Ayahuasca, Mushrooms and Salvia) have a tendency to sporadically jolt the human body into various yogic postures. On many psychedelic occasions I've found myself snapping into many familiar yoga poses almost against my will, so to speak (handstand, staff, lotus, fish, twists, child, cobra). My last two Salvia surfs have hit me heavy with the "importance of yoga" message; as if I didn't already know. You kind of get slapped around like a helpless little kid when you're in the fractal Eyes of the Shepherdess. I guess it's because I'm sometimes selfish with these experiences instead of sharing them, like I should frequently be doing, and that's the reason for this out-of-the-blue Salvia inspired poem below.
My Spine was Struck with a Nuclear Jolt
Automatically reconfiguring my body.
Vibrating vertebrates
Quickly snap into focus.
My serpent-shaped spine
Became Electrically Erect.
Consciousness is cannon-balled
Up and Over and Out of my Head.
Uninhibited and Infinitely Clear
My seated body installs itself in a
pre-attacking cobra stance.
Teetering on considering
a cosmic cobra-like
strike on reality.
Shipibo shaman's chants
are pouring through distant speakers.
Unwavering, imperfect and perfect,
and tribally metric.
A steady wobbling resonance
Mixed with piercing monotonous
phlegm-filled guttural sounds.
Melodic shamanic chanting
eloquently serving as
Cosmic Cobra-charming music.
The shaman’s a snake charmer,
And I am his serpent.
An entranced, primordial
Salvia Serpent.
My spacious, elongated spine
Simultaneously connects me
to humanity’s biological roots,
as well as the mathematically
fractaling cosmic chemical chaos.
My King Cobra mind is pleased
with the Shipibo shaman’s a cappella beat.
Gradually becoming soothed and calmed
By the jungle conductor’s Icaros song.
A sense of disintegrating reintegration
vortexes through my cosmic cobra mind
as my soul's sole purpose is acted upon:
Tuning and Moving to
The Charmer's Music.