The highly-anticipated adventure feature film by Sender Films and Big Up Productions, Valley Uprising: Yosemite's Rock Climbing Revolution, zooms us in to take a look at the nascent rock-climbing revolution that bat-shit crazy and ultra-fit hippies and beatniks of the late 50's and 60's successfully ignited. This young, LSD-dropping generation literally went out of their minds and decided to climb up some of Yosemite's tallest trademark slabs of vertical rock. In a recent NatGeo Adventure blog interview with Valley Uprising's co-director, Nick Rosen, the adventurous director talked about an unfinished psychedelic scene in the film where an 18-year old, Jim Birdwell, was rock-climbing and dropping acid by himself on a death route. Talk about the highest display of psychedelic recklessness in history. Nick Rosen accurately pointed out, "Birdwell's exploration into hallucinogenic big-wall climbing has not been matched since then."