When I asked the shaman what these figures were all about, he responded that they were types of maps. These maps can represent something as simple as geographic information, or something as complicated as the life of an individual. For example, one of the shamans told me he was able to see his own death embedded in one of these "breath-taking" Shipibo Ayahuasca maps.
These ZOOMDOUT tees are, as always, freshly screen-printed in Brooklyn, NY. And just in case you're just now tuning into the Trip, the luxurious-feeling drape you see is due to the fact that our t-shirts are made of ecologically-sustainable Bamboo and Organic (Non-GMO) cotton!
Check out the ZOOMDOUT Smart Shop and welcome the 2012 Ayahuasca-consciousness into your life...
Exactly one month left for the new Aeon/ Epoch (12.21.12). So make sure you rock into it ZOOMDOUT.